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cheese's Blog Posts

Showing 57 to 60 of 80 posts

cheese Got Something To Say? - 23rd August 2011

Recently, I (very quietly) rolled out Disqus based commenting for the site. This lets anybody with an OpenID, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo or Disqus account log in and leave a comment on any of our artwork, comic pages and blog posts. If there&#... (read more)

cheese Why The Humble Indie Bundle Is Great - 7th August 2011

With only 1 day, 15 hours remaining to purchase the Humble Indie Bundle #3, there are three things I'm hoping to achieve with this post: explain what it is, talk about how good the games currently on offer are, and to convince you to take a look... (read more)

cheese New Stuff & New Stuff - 5th August 2011

It's been a while since I did a blog post (or anything else related for that matter), so I thought it'd be a good idea to post a new one and highlight a recent update we made to the site. Website Updates To make twolofbe... (read more)

cheese Portal Mania (part 2) - 31st May 2011

In April I made a blog post about our big Portal fan art stint, which at the time I thought would conclude with the end of the 12 Days of Portal comic (which also got a few bonus pages and a downloadable version of the song). Little did I know then... (read more)

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