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Stycil Tux Derivative Competition


The Stycil Tux news never ends!

The /r/linux_gaming Stycil Tux variantThe Linux Gaming subreddit is holding a competition to design a new banner image featuring its new Stycil Tux derivative logo.

I've been invited to judge (which is already proving to be daunting as great submissions pile up), and have donated a copy of Trine 2 and the Goblin Menace DLC as a prize. The creator of the winning design will receive their choice of one of the following cross-platform (Linux, Mac, Windows) titles, with the remainder being given out to honourable mentions.

The competition will be running until the end of January, so if you're keen, grab the sources and join in!

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Date Posted:
 14th January 2013
 2 times
 Competition(3), Public Domain(3), Reddit(2), Stycil(3), Tux(3)