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cheese's Blog Posts

Showing 41 to 44 of 80 posts

cheese Extra Curricular Loftivities - 5th April 2012

So, you may have noticed that we have been fairly quiet since we were at AICon last month. I'll let Mim make her own excuses, but in the meantime, here's a rundown on what's been keeping me busy. Actually wait, this is way too big. T... (read more)

cheese AICon 2012 Summary - 20th March 2012

After last year's three part AICon summary, this post is going to feel a little light. Between manning our stall and judging the art competition, we didn't get to see much of the convention this year. Between us, Mim and myself only managed... (read more)

cheese Comments Working Again - 19th March 2012

We had a small hiccough with our commenting system. I'm not sure how long it's been down, but it's up and happy now :) P.S. There's an AICon recap blog post on its way.... (read more)

cheese Greetings from AICon! - 17th March 2012

It's day two of AICon, and we're a lot busier than yesterday. So far, we've had two people come forward with the special flyers we mentioned in our last post. We've also decided to give people with the winning flyers a free keyri... (read more)

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