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See Two Lof Bees at AICon 2012!


We're taking to AICon this year!

You might recall that last year we attended AICon and came away with some prizes from the art competition. What we didn't tell anybody was that we were also secretly taking a peek at what it'd be like to run a stall there (insert evil laugh here).

Nearly a year later, we're all geared up. Most of our stock has arrived, shiny business cards are on their way, we've got a table reserved, and we're onboard as a sponsor for the event. We're also lending a hand with the art competition, which gives us a chance to be involved even though we didn't feel it'd be appropriate for us to submit art.

Here's a list of stuff that you'll be able to find at our table (which will be in "zone 2" near the art and games area):

And here's the date and the location and that sort of thing:

Aicon 2012
March 17 - 18
UTAS Sandy Bay, Hobart

We've been toying with the idea of doing commissions or portraits-that-look-nothing-like-the-person-asking-for-one, but we're a bit worried about getting stuck half-way through something when things get busy. At the very least, I'm going to be on-and-off working on some fan art for one of my favourite anime series, so hopefully that will be entertaining.

Some of our stock for AIConWe've got a stack of new designs that we've put together for AICon (some of which are already available, and most of which you can spot in the photo to the right). We'll be adding them to the site over the next few weeks with the aim that everything will be available to buy online during AICon as well, but anybody who catches us there will be able to get their hands on stuff straight away without waiting or paying for shipping.

Obviously we can't quite bring along an infinite number of items along with us, so first in, best dressed (in our awesome t-shirts!).

Lastly, if you're going to be at AICon, but stickers and t-shirts and things aren't on your shopping list, you can still drop by and say hi anyway. We're always happy to talk to our readers/watchers/stalkers.

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Date Posted:
 23rd February 2012
 1 times
 Aicon(23), Convention(19)