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Showing 17 to 20 of 103 posts

cheese AICon 2014 Summary - 21st March 2014

 Earlier this month, we took Two Lof Bees to AICon once again.With the convention itself scaling up, we decided to try to make things a bit bigger ourselves. We launched four new cushion designs, tried our hands at badge making for the first tim... (read more)

mim Steves of the Sea - 29th November 2013

Cheese and I call stingrays 'Steves'. This isn't meant to be a reference to Steve Irwin. We actually only recently realised the unfortunate connection and honestly didn't intend to cause any offence to family, friends or fans of T... (read more)

mim MAICon Eve 2013 - 6th September 2013

'Tis the eve of our second year as traders at MAICon and we're just about ready to go! Like last year, the super awesome MAICon organisers let traders set up the night before, so our stall is already all covered in pretty tshirts, stickers,... (read more)

cheese PAX Aus and the Double Fine Down Under BBQ! - 17th July 2013

So, super late post, but we're heading to PAX Australia!For the first time, PAX is heading to Australia, occupying the Melbourne Showgrounds for the most dense three day event I have ever seen in schedule form. I honestly don't expect to be... (read more)

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