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Happy Frog (Terra Nil) (by cheese)

Happy Frog (Terra Nil)
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I recently came across a game called Terra Nil - a sort of inverse city builder, where instead of creating permanent infrastructure with little regard for the existing land, you play as a transient custodian restoring life to a toxic wasteland.

I love its shortness. I love its sweetness. I love its big frogs and sleepy bears. I love its perfectly curated soundtrack. I love its lowfi presentation. I love its three tiered goal scheme and the pacing that evokes. Most of all, I love that you clean up before you leave.
I wanted to make something that celebrated the game, and embarked on a much larger piece of fan art featuring every biome from the game. Unfortunately, it was a much larger project than I had spare time for, so I trimmed it down to just show one of the game's frogs in a less detailed wetland environment.
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Date Uploaded:
 10th September 2020
Date Created:
 19th August 2020
 1 times
 Fan Art(265), Frog(8), Terra Nil(1)