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Broken Raz (Humble Double Fan Art) (by cheese)

Broken Raz (Humble Double Fan Art)
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Here's a closeup of Raz from Psychonauts drawn in the style of Broken Age.

This is from the Humble Double Fan Art piece that I made to celebrate the Humble Double Fine Bundle.

I've never really drawn stuff in this sort of style before, and it was challenging to try to emulate the look and feel that Broken Age has drawn from Nathan "Bagel" Stapley's work.

The background is from a fairly popular shot of Raz looking contemplative in front of the moon mainly because it's one of the most iconic Psychonauts image I could find that didn't conflict heavily with the kinds of poses and presentation seen in the Broken Age artwork that's been revealed so far.

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Date Uploaded:
 30th June 2013
Date Created:
 5th June 2013
 3 times
 Broken Age(4), Double Fine(28), Fan Art(265), Humble Bundle(6), Psychonauts(6)