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Captain! Site Updates Ahead!


In just over week, we'll have been running our website for a whole year! How time flies!

Pointing PeaThere are going to be some website upgrades which should make the site easier to navigate and a bit more fun to use. This will be our first major overhaul since our launch, and it's pretty exciting for us.

One (minor example) of these upgrades will be replacing the Sketches image type with Scribbles. This will make it easier for you guys to separate the good stuff from the maybe not so good stuff. Images that used to be Sketches but aren't too bad will be moved to Work In Progress or Finished.

Confused PeaWe're also considering restructuring the Two Lof Peas comic to allow it to be a bit more Pea People oriented. I'll be detailing the changes in a later blog post so that anybody who's been following the comics has a chance to get up to speed quickly.

Since some of the changes are going to be significant, some bits and pieces might be unavailable over the next week or so.

We're looking forward to sharing the new website with everyone :)

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Date Posted:
 4th March 2011
 1 times
 Comics(4), Website(15)