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Bee Mounts (by cheese)

Bee Mounts
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During Massive Chalice's development, when the topic of mounts was being discussed, some people within the community got excited by the notion of bee mounts. Mechanically, mounts didn't fit with the direction Massive Chalice was going in, but writers Nick and Max Folkman caught onto the buzz (pun!) and slipped in a few references to people riding bees in some of the game's random events.

I wanted to make this piece to reflect the excitement, pride and enjoyment I've had from playing and being a part of the community behind this game :)

I also uploaded a "making of" time lapse.

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Date Uploaded:
 4th June 2015
Date Created:
 31st May 2015
 7 times
 Bee(11), Bee Mount(2), Double Fine(28), Fan Art(265), Massive Chalice(6), Salt Stack(1), Vector(143)